Owner –

Michael Blaugher

10829 S 600 W

Warren, IN 46792-9717



I bought the last remaining business in Aburn, Indiana which as called Frazer Farm Equipment Company on August 2012.

I Moved the company to Warren, Indiana and called it Frazer Rototiller Parts.

I sell every part for the rototiller new and used. Some parts are not available new.

I also do rebuilding of: Tillotson and Zenith Carburetors, Fairbanks – Morse Magneto’s, Clutch Hubs.

Frazer built over 13,000 Rototillers among 5 plants across the US.

Frazer Serial Number Book shows this

B1-6      s/n       1,001 – 31,200
B1-6R    s/n   50,001 – 52,600
B1-7       s/n   60,001 – 80,000
B1-7R     s/n 101,000 – 104,650
B1-7RA   s/n 120,001 – 120,450

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