Transmission Axle Oil Seals

 Select from these types of Transmission Axle Wheel Hub Housings

 Direct Drive Wheel Hubs 5460  (No Clutch Hubs)

Frazer first used 5269 (National 50095) Transmission Oil Seal  
which is shown in the Shop Manual, but not shown in the Parts Book

Also used is a 5461 Wheel Hub Oil Seal O-Ring
Not shown in the Shop Manual or Parts Book

Later Frazer switched to using 5767 which mounted inside the
Transmission Well instead of the Axle Housing.
These are no longer available from any company,
So I had them Custom Made and are available under my 5700-5799 button


 5269  Transmission Wheel Hub Oil Seal -  $19.95 each
5461 Wheel Hub O-Ring  $2.00

5767 Replacement for 5269  -  $20.00 each

5269 Used Transmission Oil Seal - Excellent Condition $10.00 each

Wheel Hub Housings with a Clutch Hubs 5588 & 5589
These used oil seal 5767 and later switched to 5585 which mounts in the Center
Use can use either or both

 5585 Oil Seal shown inserted            5571 Dust Seal replaces 5584
                $9.95 each                                     $7.50 each

8700 & 5571 Choices

Replacement 5767 above can also be used

Free Wheeling Hubs 5934
These use oil seal                             5269     $19.95